Science and Miracles: Part 3 of 3 Parts.
We might ask: ‘does present-day science and physics provide an important contribution to our understanding of the nature miracles performed by Jesus?’ This blog, ‘Experimental Evidence for Applied Human Intention, Spiritual Mindset and Miracles’ is part 3 in a series of three contributions. Part 1 looks at “Bridging Science and Spirit” and part 2 considers ‘Consciousness and Subtle Energies’,
Such an evaluation of Jesus’ nature miracles, and particularly, if the principles of physics provide enhanced understanding of the integrity within the nature miracle: then we can understand the Psychoenergetic factors (i.e. purported links between the human psyche and mystical forms of energy) that can explain the role of human intention to influence nature. Such understanding will not make these nature miracles any less miraculous. ( Cartoon Gallery, copyright Sidney Harris, Indeed, any such finding will show Jesus and his message as even more relevant and truthful by demonstrating Jesus‘ influence of the natural processes and, significantly - the timing of the events.
Experimental Evidence for Applied Human Intention, Non-local Intuition and Miracles
In a 2017 BBC program - ‘Big Questions’, Philip Bail considered the issue ‘Nobody understands what consciousness is or how it works. Nobody understands quantum mechanics either and asked the question - could that be more than coincidence? [1] His program was titled “The Strange Link Between the Human Mind and Quantum Physics.”
Significantly, Bail identifies many prominent physicists who have struggled with accepting that there is a link between consciousness and quantum mechanics. He comments “‘the reality of ‘Quantum consciousness’ is widely derided as mystical woo, but it just will not go away.” Indeed, the most famous intrusion of the mind into quantum mechanics comes in the "double-slit experiment" in which quantum particles like electrons exhibit wave-particle duality. Einstein describes this condition “as though we must use sometimes the one theory and sometimes the other, while at times we may use either. We are faced with a new kind of difficulty. We have two contradictory pictures of reality; separately neither of them fully explains the phenomena of light, but together they do.” As we saw in Part 2, the Nobel prize winner de Broglie described this wave/particle duality by every particle in matter having a pilot-wave envelope enclosing it and moving at the velocity of the particle. The faster moving information waves enter and leave this envelope as it moves along with the particle.
That means they can undergo diffraction when a stream of them passes through the two slits, producing an interference pattern.
Significantly, other prominent physicists have recognised important interactions between the presence of an observer and measurements of quantum effects. Bail quotes “The physicist Pascual Jordan, who worked with quantum guru Niels Bohr in Copenhagen in the 1920s, put it like this: "observations not only disturb what has to be measured, they produce it… We compel [a quantum particle] to assume a definite position." In other words, Jordan said, "we ourselves produce the results of measurements."
In the 1970s’ Wheeler commented on this reality by saying “It is as if nature "knows" not just if we are looking, but if we are planning to look.” He goes on to say “we become participants in the evolution of the Universe since its very beginning……….We live in a "participatory universe." Roger Penrose (1980s’) commented that “our ability to sustain seemingly incompatible mental states is no quirk of perception, but a real quantum effect.” And, in 2016, “Adrian Kent of the University of Cambridge in the UK, one of the most respected "quantum philosophers", speculated that consciousness might alter the behaviour of quantum systems in subtle but detectable ways.”
It is surprising then, that the pioneering work of Professor William Tiller and his team to mathematically model this multi-dimensional reality and, called by Gerber “the Tiller-Einstein Model of Positive-Negative Spacetime—the next physics paradigm, is capable of incorporating the effect of human intention on physical matter through behaviour of etheric matter and emotional matter,”[2] has been generally ignored by traditional science.
Applied Human Intention:
It is axiomatic that if you cannot physically measure the potential effect of a perceived observation it is generally concluded in science that the effect is highly improbable. Importantly, theoreticians often identify possible effects and relationships, but such acceptance must await the development of new and sensitive measuring techniques by experimentalists to establish the reality for such proposed effect/s. In regard to the possible relationship between consciousness and human intention and quantum theory, Em Prof William Tiller has extensively published both theoretical and experimental effects which are called by Gerber the Tiller-Einstein Model of Positive-Negative Spacetime to explain the presence and behaviour of subtle-energies in our universe (see part 2).
As outlined in the introduction above, it is clear that human intention (subtle energies) or simply human presence in planning experiments can and does influence the outcomes observed – a change to reality. Measuring techniques to study these effects is difficult. Tiller appreciated this limitation and devised a novel and effective device to conduct meaningful and measured experiments. He realised the importance of creating a device that would record and store human intention waves (as information) for use in experiments that enhanced the time available to observe normally short-time quantum effects.
Tiller called this device an Intention Imprinted Host Device (IIHD) and is a hybrid of: (a) standard physical electronic circuitry as hardware and (b) subtle domain embedded software. [3] To imprint the device, an Unimprinted Electronic Device (UED) is first placed on a table with power connected and around which 3-4 experienced meditators sit to imprint the intention - “our intention for this IIED is (1) to activate the indwelling consciousness of the experimental space where it is to serve, (2) to activate this indwelling consciousness sufficiently to lift the electromagnetic (EM) gauge symmetry state of that experimental space from our normal, uncoupled state (the Ue(1) gauge state) to the coupled state (the SU(2) EM gauge state) of physical reality and (3) to tune that state so that the pH of the experimental water in equilibrium with air will increase (or decrease) by one full pH unit compared to the control i.e., that the H+ content of this water decreases (increases) by a factor of 10”. [4]
Importantly, an Unimprinted Electronic Device (UED) was used as a control in all experiments. To avoid any cross transfer or leakage of information both devices were kept independently in electrically grounded Faraday cages for the extent of each experiment. As Tiller observed, “because each Faraday cage is electrically grounded, there is no electromagnetism. It means there is another channel for communication in nature.”
The first phase of the intention-host device experiments involved designing four separate target experiments. Each was to be influenced by an appropriate, separate IIED device that would be plugged into a wall outlet of the experimental space, placed within a few feet of the target experiment apparatus, and switched on.
Figure 1. A plot of pH rising one full pH unit due to exposure to a pH-increasing intention-host device.
1. Increase pH of water with IIHD: One can readily see in Figure 1 that the intention to decrease the pH by ~1.0 pH units was robustly successful in producing the intended result (which was 100 times larger than the noise level).
2. Decrease pH of water with IIHD: The second target experiment was with water in equilibrium with air at room temperature, but the intention was to decrease the pH by ~1.0 pH units, again with no chemical additions. Once again, this experiment was successful. Similar successful results have been obtained for a variety of water types.
3. Increase chemical activity of in-vitro biological material: The material medium was an in vitro biological molecule, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), a liver enzyme. The intention was to increase the chemical activity of ALP by a significant amount via just exposing the ALP for a period of 30 minutes to its intention-host device ‘conditioned’ space that had been brought to the coupled state. Once again, the experimental results were remarkably successful compared to the built-in controls. About a 25%-30% increase in ALP chemical activity was achieved at p<0.001.
4. Increase cell energy in fruit fly larvae: The material medium was an in vivo living system, fruit fly larvae. Here, the intention was to significantly increase the ratio of the cell’s energy storage molecule, ATP, to its chemical precursor, ADP, so as to make the larvae more physically fit and thus have a greatly reduced larval development time, to the adult fly stage. Again, with built-in controls, this living system was exposed to its intention-host device-’conditioned’ space for the entire period, t ~28 days. We found that the ratio [ATP/ADP] increased by ~15%-20% with p<0.001
Pivotally, these effects have been shown to be transferrable across thousands of kilometers and between the USA and Europe. Such results are consistently reproducible. ‘How is it possible for something like this to occur in the physical reality with which we are all so familiar?’ The answer is that, from this experimental work, Tiller and his team have discovered that there are actually two levels of physical reality and not just the one with which science is familiar. It is this new level of physical reality that can be significantly influenced by human intention—not simply the familiar electric atom/molecule level.’
Applied Non-local Intuition:
As with measuring the presence and effects of human intention on changing reality, so too is the challenge to both measure and explain the physical (presence) and psychophysiological processes of non-local intuition. As in the Tiller intention research, it is necessary to raise the physiological signal levels associated with such experienced intuition to better understand the effect/impact of such quantum consciousness in changing reality.
While there is little doubt that prior experience—both conscious and unconscious knowledge—plays an important role in informing entrepreneurial decision and action, there are also instances when accurate “gut feelings” or “intuitive insights” about distant or future—nonlocal—events are found to occur, and notably from outside the body.[5] There is now also a theory describing how such non-local communication may occur, [6] and is associated with the entrepreneur’s passionately focused attention directed to an object of interest—such as a future opportunity (social or business).
To measure these applied effects, a pilot sample of 8 Cambridge-based (UK) serial entrepreneurs (with demonstrated experience in more than two opportunities/ventures) were selected to provide a ‘purposeful’ sample to help concentrate any psychophysiological communications and enhance the sensitivity so making measurement possible. Such repeat entrepreneurs are most likely to have demonstrated that their success is more than luck alone: that they have beaten the odds against success. Also, each entrepreneur completed an intuition screening exercise.
In the experimental sessions for the pilot study, each participant was seated in a comfortable chair. Non-invasive electrophysiological instrumentation (EEG electrodes) was attached to the entrepreneur’s body with continuous recording of the physiological data throughout the experiment. A video monitor was located approximately one meter in front of the participant at eye level, and a computer mouse was attached for the participant to click when ready to initiate each trial. Participants were told that they were participating in a trial to test their capacity for making reliable investment decisions with minimal data and analysis. The protocol involved a two-step process: a computer-administered gambling experiment with a Roulette Wheel stimulus; and a Business Case choice requiring an investment decision(+ve or -ve) from a randomly generated list of both successful and unsuccessful companies. Both experiments were administered back-to-back, after a short break, in a controlled setting in the presence of the experimenter.
Figure 2 Grand Average (All Subjects) of Physiological Recordings During the Post-Investment Choice Period
Figure 2 presents the grand average of the physiological recordings for all participants during the post-investment decision period. The two graphs show the mean pattern of the recordings for beat-to-beat heart rate for the Roulette Experiment and the Business Case Experiment. There is evidence of the separation between wins and losses in the mean heart rate pattern for the Roulette Experiment that begins at about 6 seconds prior to the outcome result being displayed.[7] However, the mean heart rate curves for wins and losses in the Business Case Experiment show little evidence of separation and are virtually the same.
While somewhat mixed, these results are indicative. Using the extremely rigorous statistical requirements of the Random Permutation Analysis (RPA) method, the evidence suggests that the electrophysiological measures were able to detect non-local intuitive perception of a future outcome both in the aggregated physiological data and also in the individual recordings for each of the entrepreneurs
These results provide powerful support for interconnectedness between ANS, heart, and brain, and explains that making decisions on what ‘feels right’ or is the ‘right thing to do’ may indeed originate from the heart. Therefore, the acquisition of information pertaining to a future event cannot be localised to the brain alone.
Explaining Miracles:
The above experimental evidence demonstrates the power of human intention to affect change on perceived reality, and, for the human body to sense and process implicit information normally outside the range of cognitive processes as a certainty of knowledge or feeling about the totality of something distant or yet to happen. The combination of these two potential behaviours of humans provides a strong base for developing a science-based understanding of the ‘nature’ miracles attributed to Jesus in the first century CE. A detailed explanation for these miracles is available in the book, “Jesus the Social Entrepreneur: Understanding both His Mindset and Miracles” by L M Gillin (ORP press 2021).
[1] Philip Ball, 2017, “The Strange Link Between the Human Mind and Quantum Physics”, BBC, UK.
[2] Richard Gerber, 2001, Vibrational Medicine, Bear & Coy., Rochester, Vermont
[3] William. A. Tiller, 1997, Science and Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness (Pavior Publishing, Walnut Creek, CA, ).
[4] William A Tiller, Walter E Dibble, Robert Nunley, and Cl Norman Shealy, 2004, Toward General Experimentation and Discovery in Conditioned Laboratory Spaces: Part I. Experimental pH Change Findings at Some Remote Sites, Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.) 10(1):145-57
[5] Rollin McCraty, Mike Atkinson, & Ray Bradley, 2004, Electrophysiological evidence of intuition: Part 1. The surprising role of the heart. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 10 (1):133-143.
[6] Ray Bradley, 2010, Passionate attention and the psychophysiology of entrepreneurial intuition: A quantum-holographic theory. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, vol. 9(3), pages 324-348.
[7] Ray Bradley, Murray Gillin, Rollin McCraty, and Mike Atkinson, 2011, Non-local intuition in entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs: results of two experiments using electrophysiological measures, Int. J. Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 12, No. 3